Aims and Scope

Arab German Journal of Sharia and Law Sciences (AGJSLS) is an open access (CC BY-NC 4.0), peer-reviewed journal, publishing the most innovative, cutting-edge, and influential contributions across the Sharia and Law Sciences, published in Arabic (mainly), German and English, adhering to ethical publishing guidelines and international publishing standards. AGJSLS is an official publication (ISSN: 2749-7976) published twice a year by Birne Publishing House, based in Berlin, Germany.

Therefore, the journal attracts Scholars of Shari'a and Islamic jurisprudence, legal researchers and practitioners, as well as sociologists, criminologists, and other social scientists.


Fields include:

  • Islamic studies and Sharia: Qur'anic Readings, Exegeses and Sciences of the Qur'an, Jurisprudence of Prophetic Teachings, Sciences of Hadith, Creed, Jurisprudence, Principles of Jurisprudence, Islamic Economics, Judiciary and Sharia Politics, Religious Advocacy.
  • Public law: Constitutional Law; Administrative Law, Government Contracts, Administrative Judicial System and Criminal Law.
  • Private law: Civil Law, Commercial Law and Arbitration
  • Multidisciplinary scientific research topics: related to Sharia and Law Sciences


The journal is devoted to the publication of:

  • Original Articles
  • Review Articles
  • Theoretical Articles
  • Case Report or Study
  • Book Review
  • Master and PhD Thesis Summaries
  • Commentaries and Letters to the Editor
  • Technical Reports
  • Conference proceedings and abstracts