Peer-Review & Publication Process

The Arab German Journal of Sharia and Law Sciences (AGJSLS) adopts Double-Anonymous Peer Review. Every article submitted to AGJSLS will be subjected to the following review process:

  • AGJSLS receives article submission from author, and then author is notified of receipt.
  • Article is subjected to a Technical Review (Consistent with the journal's aims and scope, as well as if author fulfill fulfills journal's technical and formatting requirements.)
  • Article is submitted for a Language Review (if article meets standard language quality and requirement). Otherwise it will be immediately rejected or author is notified and asked to make changes and to resubmit.
  • Article is submitted for a plagiarism check (Less than 15% is acceptable). Otherwise it will be immediately rejected or author is notified and asked to make changes and to resubmit.
  • Initial Review (Content Review) is a screening process to determine the quality and acceptability of the scientific content according to typical academic standard. Otherwise it will be immediately rejected or author is notified and asked to make changes and to resubmit.
  • Once accepted, article will be sent for an Expert Review by at least two (2) peer reviewers pre-selected by AGJSLS or recommended by author. Peer reviewers must not be part of the authorship of the article, or have any possible conflict of interests. (All peer reviewers must have established expertise in relevant fields and disciplines relating to the article).
  • Expert reviewers will make suggestions and recommendations either to publish or reject the article, or request author to make any necessary amendment to the article. If the article is rejected, author will be notified.
  • Author will make all necessary changes and amendments to the article and return it to AGJSLS.
  • AGJSLS Editorial will deliberate on the publication of the article to publish or reject the article, or request author to make any necessary amendment to the article, or to hold second round of peer review. Author will be notified accordingly.