The Concept of Righteousness and Maturity and its Effects on the Preacher in Light of the Holy Qur’an

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Holy Quran

How to Cite

Moslem, M. N. (2024). The Concept of Righteousness and Maturity and its Effects on the Preacher in Light of the Holy Qur’an. Arab German Journal of Sharia and Law Sciences (AGJSLS) , 2(1), 125-144.


Righteousness has a special importance for the Islamic nation and its people in general and for the preacher in particular, as it indicates both maturity and righteousness in religion, guidance and faith, goodness and benefit, and the way out of distress and destruction. There is no doubt that the one who calls people to God Almighty needs to be guided in his preaching and his relationship with those he is addressing, along with the moral and academic preparation that guarantees his success.
This research aimed to explain the concept of maturity and righteousness in light of the Holy Qur’an and explain its importance for the preacher, and the valuable effects that arise from it that the preacher needs in his field in order to preach with a comprehensive approach and comprehensive method. One of the most important meanings of maturity and righteousness is to achieve a goal with something that actually leads to the intended goal, as well as divine providence that helps a person when he directs himself to his goals. It also has the meaning of knowledge of what is beneficial and acting upon it. Among the most important effects of this concept are the effects on the preacher, which include enlightening the preacher’s heart with the light of knowledge to bear the burden of preaching, and helping to arm himself with the weapon of knowledge and Quranic culture. This concept also supports him with the ability to convey arguments and proof and succeed in achieving the goal through conscious planning and follow-up and adherence to the sound method with sincerity and steadfastness. In the field of preaching and uprightness in its path, it will also help to develop the preacher’s sense of responsibility to fulfill the divine trust.
Given the importance of maturity and righteousness and its effects, it is the responsibility of the relevant institutions in general and the preachers in particular to adhere to it and work to explain its effects, and not limit their attention in the field of calling to God to teaching and learning only, without paying attention to nurturing and purification and explaining the path of maturity and righteousness to reach the noble goal.
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